Tag: Nebraska Wander

  • Save the dates for all of our 2025 walks!

    Save the dates for all of our 2025 walks!

    All of the walks that we have planned so far are listed on our Walk and Event Listing page, also accessible through our Walks and Events menu. Each event has a handy link at the bottom of the page to add it to your Google, iCalendar or Outlook calendars. You can even subscribe to our entire event calendar by using the “Subscribe to Calendar” button in the bottom right side of any Walk and Event Listing page.

    We’ve even created a booklet, suitable for printing, at our 2025 Walk Booklet page. Please note that the booklet will not be updated during the year; you’ll have to grab a pencil and mark up any printed copy as things change. And we already have a couple of changes in the works!

    Our first walk of the year will be our traditional Soup Walk, to be held in the hills of Florence, one of Nebraska’s oldest cities and now part of Omaha. All of the details are available at https://www.nebraskatrailblazers.com/event/annual-soup-walk-5k-and-10k/ Grab a couple of cans of soup, your walking shoes and we’ll see you there!

  • Upcoming events in December and January

    Mark your calendars now!

    Our club meetings feature a speaker and social time, as well as a short business meeting. The December 2nd meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Maple Ridge Retirement Community at 3525 N 167th Cir, Omaha, NE (SE corner of 168th & Maple area). Our Annual Dinner meeting will be on January 18th and begin at 1:30 p.m. at Legends in Aksarben, 6920 Pacific and run until 4 p.m. Reserve your space now by sending in $10 per member or $15 per nonmember by December 31st, to P.O. Box 8147, Omaha, NE  68108. OR – just bring it to the club meeting on December 2nd!

    Key dates:

    • Monday, December 2nd – 7 p.m. club meeting at Maple Ridge Retirement, 168th & Maple area
    • Saturday, December 14th – 4 – 6 p.m. Lights Walk at KANEKO – 12th & Jones St. entrance
    • Tuesday, December 31st – paid reservations for the Annual Dinner meeting must be received
    • Saturday, January 18th – 1:30 – 4 p.m. Annual Dinner meeting at Legends in Aksarben

    Our Annual Lights Walk on December 14th coincides with the Holiday Market at The RiverFront’s Heartland of America Park area. The Market closes at 5 p.m., so you’ll want to come right at 4 p.m. to the west doors of KANEKO, at 12th & Jones Street. There’s no charge to walk, thanks to The RiverFront. We are collecting hats, gloves and warm socks for a local agency serving the homeless. You’ll want to linger a little after the walk and check out our assortment of door prizes and cookies.

  • July – August 2023 Newsletter

    Our latest newsletter is available here: July – August 2023 Newsletter

    Since the newsletter comes out on a bimonthly basis, you’ll want to stay informed on new walks and events as they are created. How? You have several options:

  • National Walking Week April 1 – 7, 2023

    We’ve got a lot of opportunities to walk and socialize with others during the first week of April. Check it out!

    Please note the March 29th deadline to register to attend the Orpheum Theater Guided Tour on Thursday, April 6th. All other events are walk-up events.

    New this year: “Bring a Friend Day”! On April 1st, bring someone to the Bockfest walk that hasn’t walked with us before and we’ll waive the walk fee for your friend.

    Saturday, April 1st, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Bockfest, starting from Max & Joe’s (Crescent Moon), 3576 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68131  Parking available behind the Crescent Moon for $5 or use metered parking in the area. $3/person walk fee. 5k and 10k routes available. Register between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Bring a friend or walk on your own, at your own pace. Group walk at 11:30 a.m. Be off the trail by 3 p.m. After you walk, stay for Bockfest – beer and wurst and oompah music! Bockfest $2 cover charge not included in the $3 walk fee. You are responsible for your own food and drink purchases.

    Sunday, April 2nd, 2 p.m.: Wabash TraceIowa West Foundation Trailhead Park, 13996 Wabash Avenue, Council Bluffs, IA 51503  $3 walk fee + $2 for kiosk/per person, payable separately, no change available. 5k GROUP WALK – Up for a challenge? 10k route available

    Monday, April 3rd, 5 p.m.: OPPD Arboretum, 10600 Blondo St
    Omaha, NE 68164.  FREE EVENT, 5k GROUP WALK

    Monday, April 3rd, 6:00 p.m.: Spring Social at DJ’s Dugout, 777 N. 114th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. You are responsible for your own food and drink purchases.

    Tuesday, April 4th, 10 a.m.: Walnut Creek Lake Picnic Shelter, S. 96th Street and Hwy 370, Papillion, NE 68046.  FREE EVENT, 5k GROUP WALK

    Wednesday, April 5th, 5 p.m.: Chalco Hills Recreation Area, Hwy 370 Access, Omaha, NE 68138   $3/person, 5k GROUP WALK – Up for a challenge? 10k route available

    Thursday, April 6th, 10 a.m.: Orpheum Theater Guided Tour. Meet at The RiverFront, The Canopies, 13th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68102. FREE EVENT  You must preregister for this event by MARCH 29th at https://forms.gle/3JWjEDkpiyFfxhT86

    Friday, April 7th, 2 p.m.: Heron Haven, 11809 Old Maple Rd,
    Omaha, NE 68164.  FREE EVENT, 1 mile GROUP WALK

  • Welcome, July!

    Volunteers ready to welcome Gene Leahy Mall Walking Tourists on July 4th

    We had a great time working with The Riverfront on Independence Day to welcome the public back to the great multi-use space that is the Gene Leahy Mall in downtown Omaha. If the stormy clouds kept you home, here’s the official walking tour map for you to download and use the next time you visit downtown Omaha.

    On Saturday, July 30th at 10 a.m., we’ll be leading a 5k walk at beautiful Junto Wine, a winery between Seward and Lincoln. The exact address is 1356 182nd, Seward, NE 68434. The cost is $3 (exact cash or use Venmo) for the walk and we do need you to preregister, since we’ll be serving complimentary boxed lunches after the walk. The winery will open their tasting room definitely at noon, and maybe a little before? Register here: Junto Wine Walk registration  Leashed dogs are welcome to accompany us on this somewhat hilly walk through the vineyard’s mowed paths. If you’re staying for lunch, you’ll want to bring a picnic blanket or a lawn chair.  

    Early season look at the hiking trails

  • 2022 Walk Calendar now published!

    We have a lot of great walks planned for you in 2022 – take a look at them at the 2022 Walk Calendar page on our website. More walks are in the planning stages, so you’re going to want to bookmark this page and come back to it often. Our Year Round and Seasonal Walk page will be updated on January 1st to add Chadron, NE and drop Ogallala, NE as walk opportunities.
    New this year: an option to print a brochure for certain walks so you can stick it to your refrigerator door or have it in another handy place. All brochures are current as of this date (December 17, 2021). If something changes and we have enough lead time, we’ll post an updated edition of the brochure.
    Remember that club dues now run on a calendar year basis, so that means you have until December 31, 2021 to get them in. Want to join? See Become a Club Member for details.
    Our Annual Dinner Meeting is Saturday, January 15, 2022 at Legends Patio Grill and Bar in Aksarben – 6920 Pacific St, Omaha, NE, starting at 5:30 p.m. The Italian Buffet is available for $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Save yourself a stamp and mail in your club dues and Annual Dinner reservation at the same time! Our mailing address: NWFT, P.O. Box 8147, Omaha, NE 68108
    Our regular club meetings resume on Monday, February 7th at 7 p.m. at Morning Star Lutheran Church, 331 S. 85th Ave in Omaha, in the upstairs Chapel.