At our events, you may see people getting stamps in special books. Those people have purchased special books to record their walking adventures, joining other walkers across the country and the world who walk for AVA/IVV credit. (Look for more information on the AVA/IVV at this page: FAQs)
Not a book stamper yet? Consider our New Walker Program. For only $6, you get a Distance and an Event Book, coupons for 3 FREE WALKS (a $12 value) and a patch – all included! Keep a record of all the great walks you’ve been on and log those kilometers as you walk them.
Once you’ve filled up all the spaces in your starter Distance and Event Books, more books are available for $6 per book. Event Books hold 25 or more stamps, while Distance Books hold 50 or more stamps.
What do you do with them? Upon completion of the book(s), they are turned in to AVA Headquarters in Texas, where they will be logged and returned to you with the appropriate patches and pins (if you want) recognizing your accomplishments. You will also be recognized in The American Wanderer, the AVA’s quarterly e-newsletter. See how to do that here: Turn in your AVA/IVV Books for Recognition
New Walker Program packets are available at all club meetings and all Traditional Events. Or email us at if you would like a packet at another time. You can also buy the New Walker Program packet directly from the AVA for $6.50, by using this form: AVA New Walkers Program Packet at this address: 1032 S. Alamo Street, San Antonio, TX 78210.