Traditional Events are staffed events with a limited registration time. Participants register at any time during the registration window and start walking at their own pace, either on their own, with friends or in a group. Participants are asked to start their walk in time to return to the walk start point before the staff closes up, normally 2 – 3 hours after the last registration time.
In general, participants pay $4. Occasionally we start at places that require an entrance fee; that cost is not part of the walk fee. Extras, such as awards or food, are sometimes available for an extra cost.
Walkers start by registering at the Start Table and are asked to fill out and sign a short Start Card with a participation waiver. The cards are numbered and the walker keeps the yellow half of the Start Card. Directions with a map are provided for the walker to follow. If conditions are favorable, the trail will be marked. City streets are not closed off, so walkers must follow all traffic and safety rules while on the route.
Club members may also staff checkpoints along the way, to provide water or other refreshments, offer directions and to mark the Start Card that the walker has passed the checkpoint.
When the walker returns from walking, the yellow half of the Start Card is returned to the Finish Table, so that staff knows that the walker has completed the route. If the walker records AVA/IVV Credit in special books, those books are stamped at that time.