Our December 2, 2017 Night of Lights Walk was successful beyond all our imagination! By the numbers:
689 walkers: 41 were for credit, 658 were “Fun Walkers”, who were from 66 towns and cities in 7 states (CO, KS, MO, SD, MN, IA and NE)
For New Visions (Council Bluffs) and Siena/Francis House (Omaha) homeless shelters, we collected:
- 967 rolls of toilet paper
- 300 pairs of socks
- 12 pairs of children’s socks
- 250 pairs of gloves
- 200 hats
- 80 scarves
- 4 new winter coats
- 60 misc. items, including toiletries
- 23 extra packages of cookies
A big THANK YOU! to all of our walkers for their generosity. Also, a big THANK YOU! to all of our volunteers. We received many compliments and good feedback on a special night and many expressed hope that we’d be doing this again.